Noun1. Kingdom Animalia - taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals
Billed as “A Vegan Arts Uprising”, KINGSTON ANIMALIA is the art that permeates Hudson Valley Vegfest each year, uniting bands, singers, poets, visual artists and sculptors whose work and lives celebrates a spectrum of the full Kingdom Animalia we share this earth with. In an effort to highlight the different ways we can connect with all inhabitants of this world, and to encourage us to join forces in our common animalhood via creative mediums, Kingston Animalia artists will be on view all weekend during regular festival daytime hours, as well as be featured in various stand-alone events hosted at different venues throughout the Hudson Valley, throughout the year.
Learn more about 2019’s roster of artists, below! For full schedule details please click HERE.
THE FOUR WISE CATTLE by artists Karyn Lao & Mark Zlotsky will be grazing at BSP too!